Meet our Members

Gary with his dog George

Gary, with his beloved dog (and frequent Pilates participant!), George

Meet Gary

I am proud that I can touch my toes again and feel that Pilates has really aided my long term journey of recovery after damaging my ear and losing my balance.
— Gary

What brought you to Pilates and what was your key motivator? Was there something about our Pilates classes that drew you in?
I had the flu 6 years ago and residual stroke-like symptoms left me struggling to function in daily life. I was using a walking stick, becoming hunched, my sense of balance was compromised. I had backache and shooting pains when seated. I had no core strength within a year. I had traditional physiotherapy, vestibular rehabilitation and quite a cocktail of medication for pain and sensory distortion. Although I’d made a lot of progress by the time I started Pilates two years ago, my recovery efforts had plateaued and needed something that was slow, stretching and strengthening. That free taster class was a great move.

Please describe your experience with our classes in your own words
Pilates is both relaxing and challenging. I feel the togetherness of group exercise, even on Zoom, to be a reassuring experience. Lucy doesn’t pull you up if an exercise is not happening for you, but she  does offer corrective comments if you aren’t quite getting the most benefit from your effort. Her prompts are jovial in nature. I’ve also had lessons on different nights with the other instructors, as our weeks ahead are rarely predictable even during lockdown. Styles do vary slightly, and each instructor has their own particular strength with your own needs,  give them all a try.

How do you feel now? How has Pilates impacted your life?
I am far more confident about undertaking exercises, even if I sometimes get a little lost in the moment. I am proud that I can touch my toes again and feel that Pilates has really aided my long term (six year) journey of recovery after damaging my ear and losing my balance.

Meet Jenna

There are absolutely physical benefits as Pilates has definitely strengthened my core muscles. However, the mental health benefits have been equally as important.
— Jenna

What brought you to Pilates and what was your key motivator? Was there something about our Pilates classes that drew you in?
I've had back problems for several years and my osteopath recommended Pilates. When she became an instructor, I went to her classes for a while, but they were quite far away from where I live and I didn't go every week. When lockdown happened, my osteopath's clinic had to close. I knew I had to do something to protect my back and stay healthy until she reopened. I searched for Pilates on Instagram and found Lucy. The first class was free so I knew I had nothing to lose. I loved my first class and the rest is history!

Please describe your experience with our classes in your own words
Lucy is very knowledgeable and gives a lot of feedback, guiding you so that you do the exercises correctly. This was really important to me as I didn't want to do something wrong and hurt my body. Because she gives you live feedback and the class sizes are small, it's much more valuable and motivating than sticking on a YouTube video. The classes are challenging, but well structured. Lucy pushes you, but in a supportive way. Plus, because it's online, I'm not as conscious of what other people are thinking or doing and I feel more confident just focusing on my own practice.

How do you feel now? How has Pilates impacted your life?
There are absolutely physical benefits as Pilates has definitely strengthened my core muscles. However, the mental health benefits have been equally as important. I currently work from home and it's been so nice to have a regular class to look forward to every week with the same faces on Zoom.

Jenna enjoying some sunshine

John volunteers as a Blood Biker: transporting blood, plasma, platelets, donor breast milk and urgent medical samples to hospitals in London

Meet John

I find myself engaging my core during everyday activities and since starting classes I have ‘grown’ by over an inch as my posture has improved.
— John

What brought you to Pilates and what was your key motivator? Was there something about our Pilates classes that drew you in?
I came to Pilates bored with the gym and, though I enjoyed and still enjoy cycling, looking for a more holistic exercise regime. In particular I wanted to improve and maintain my posture and mobility both of which had suffered during a working life spent mostly sitting at a desk in front of a computer screen. I was drawn to Pilates classes because they offer an inclusive environment effective for mixed levels and requirements.

Please describe your experience with our classes in your own words
Something I particularly like about Pilates is even though classes are a group activity Lucy personalises the training with encouragement and guidance for each individual. I enjoy the variety of each class, no two are the same, the exercises are low impact but after each session I feel I have had an invigorating full body workout.

How do you feel now? How has Pilates impacted your life?
Key for me is, after several years of Pilates, I still feel motivated to attend classes! I find myself engaging my core during everyday activities and since starting classes I have ‘grown’ by over an inch as my posture has improved.

Meet Kate

Having done Welcome Pilates classes I regularly consider my posture ... it definitely focusses my mind even when I’m not ‘Pilates-ing’!
— Kate

What brought you to Pilates and what was your key motivator? Was there something about our Pilates classes that drew you in?
I wanted to improve my core strength and suppleness. I’d heard fabulous things about the class and after a taster I was hooked. The payment plans are good value for money and flexible.

Please describe your experience with our classes in your own words
Lucy’s friendly and constructive advice and encouragement always makes me pleased I’ve attended (even when I’m feeling demotivated). I’m disappointed if I have to miss a class for any reason but the On Demand Studio is a great resource.

How do you feel now? How has Pilates impacted your life?
My flexibility is improving and I can say that having done Welcome Pilates classes I regularly consider and improve my posture. I need to continue to improve my core strength but the classes definitely focus my mind even when I’m not ‘Pilates-ing’!

Kate lives in Devon and loves being close to the water

Francesca balances her four classes a week with champagne!

Meet Francesca

I no longer see exercise as a punishment, but a time I take for myself, something that is about how I feel, not how I look. As a result, I have a stronger, healthier body and a better relationship with my body.
— Francesca

What brought you to Pilates and what was your key motivator? Was there something about our Pilates classes that drew you in?
I joined Welcome Pilates in March 2020 in the early days of the UK lockdown. After being put on furlough, I need structure and some contact with the outside world. At the time, I didn’t think of it as a long term commitment but a part of my new temporary lifestyle. But I felt the benefits so quickly that before long, I was doing two classes a week, and when the On Demand Studio was launched, I got up to four classes a week.

It was Lucy’s personality and style of teaching that drew me to Welcome Pilates. I hadn’t done Pilates in over a decade, but Lucy made me feel comfortable and gave me plenty of corrections and advice during the group classes.

Please describe your experience with our classes in your own words
I have never been athletic and always shied away from sports as I wasn’t any good. That led me to see exercise as a means to an end and not something to be enjoyed. So many gym classes foster a competitive “destroy yourself” mindset. Welcome Pilates isn’t like that. Lucy encourages us to push ourselves, but she also teaches us how to listen to and understand our bodies to know when we are going too far. Even though it's online, you still get a feeling of camaraderie in the classes, like when a position or movement is particularly hard!

How do you feel now? How has Pilates impacted your life?
Pilates has helped me in so many ways. First, it has completely changed my relationship with exercise. I no longer see exercise as a punishment, but a time I take for myself, something that is about how I feel, not how I look. As a result, I have a stronger, healthier body and a better relationship with my body.

Mentally it has helped as well. Not just the community aspect but also by giving me a sense of structure when I was unemployed or freelance. Doing an 8am class every Monday is the perfect start to the week always leaving me feeling energised and happy!

I’ve gone from not being able to do a roll-up to being able to do a roll-over!

Meet Sharon

I’ve recently retired and more than ever Pilates and meditation are an essential part of my week. Our bodies give us so much over a lifetime and Pilates seems a great way to give something back!
— Sharon

What brought you to Pilates and what was your key motivator? Was there something about our Pilates classes that drew you in?
As I approached a special birthday I decided to be more proactive in keeping myself healthy and and not take my mobility and strength for granted. Pilates seemed a perfect option.

Please describe your experience with our classes in your own words
Classes with Lucy and the team have always been welcoming and supportive and underpinning everything is attention to detail and expertise, you always feel in safe hands. I’ve always felt that my own personal needs have been met while working in the group sessions and Lucy is careful to add challenge and variation which has kept me motivated. I feel happy with the progress I have made. Everyone has a different starting point and you soon realise there is no competition just a common focus on individual improvement. There is always a next step and recently I have greater control of breathing through a movement (thanks Lucy, your patient reminders do work!).

How do you feel now? How has Pilates impacted your life?
Unexpected benefits have surprised me such as an improvement with balance and coordination. I’ve recently retired and more than ever Pilates and meditation are an essential part of my week. I am able to keep my mind and body working together to keep strong and have as full a range of movement as possible. Our bodies give us so much over a lifetime and Pilates seems a great way to give something back!

Sharon at one of her favourite places: Columbia Road on a Sunday morning

Evelyn keeping her shoulders away from her ears!

Meet Evelyn

My back problems are much improved and flare-ups are rare these days. I always feel better after doing the class. I seem to incorporate elements into everyday life and my sister commented favourably recently on my posture and movement. I try to keep my shoulders away from my ears!
— Evelyn

What brought you to Pilates and what was your key motivator? Was there something about our Pilates classes that drew you in?
I came to Pilates because I had back pain and had been going to osteopathy and acupuncture for it. The first teacher I went to for mat-based Pilates followed the Body Control method and, although I tried some other types of classes, I found I preferred that and that attracted me to Lucy’s classes initially.

Please describe your experience with our classes in your own words
I like that we are encouraged throughout the class and the exercises are explained and the best way to do the movement is gently and kindly pointed out as we do them. The class is welcoming and friendly and there is a calm atmosphere.

There are different forms of the exercises for anybody who has a specific difficulty, e.g. a painful shoulder. I liked the ‘in person’ classes but the online classes have been very good and a real help during the pandemic. Lucy has been able to engage with participants and build a friendly rapport. She always seems energetic and smilingly welcomes everybody.

How do you feel now? How has Pilates impacted your life?
My back problems are much improved and flare-ups are rare these days. I always feel better after doing the class. I seem to incorporate elements into everyday life and my sister commented favourably recently on my posture and movement. I try to keep my shoulders away from my ears!

Meet Sue

I still find myself surprised by my progress in the exercises I find most challenging - lasting longer than before or discovering a few more millimetres of extension I didn’t think I had in me! Pilates is a really positive part of my weekly routine that I wouldn’t want to be without.
— Sue

What brought you to Pilates and what was your key motivator? Was there something about our Pilates classes that drew you in?
I initially came to Pilates because I wanted to work on my strength and flexibility, but in a safe way - I've always been a bit suspicious that exercise is a sure way to injure yourself! I knew from the care the teachers were taking to make sure we were remaining correctly aligned in each exercise that I was in safe hands.

I also thought that the membership package was structured yet flexible enough to keep me motivated and attending each week, which I was right about.

Please describe your experience with our classes in your own words
I've always found the teaching to be welcoming, attentive, good humoured and just the right amount of challenging. Whether in person or online, I've never felt like a faceless member of a class.

How do you feel now? How has Pilates impacted your life?
I noticed some benefits straightaway, like feeling more relaxed and mobile after class, and others after a couple of months, like feeling stronger. I still find myself surprised by my progress in the exercises I find most challenging - lasting longer than before or discovering a few more millimetres of extension I didn't think I had in me! I feel much more mindful of my body and how I position it throughout the day. Pilates is a really positive part of my weekly routine that I wouldn't want to be without.

Sue in a beautiful cornfield near her home town

Sarah loves gardening and spending time outdoors

Meet Sarah

My back pain has reduced to the point that I no longer take pain medication. I can spend more time gardening and cycle to and from work now so it has definitely made an impact for the better.
— Sarah

What brought you to Pilates and what was your key motivator? Was there something about our Pilates classes that drew you in?
My key motivator for starting Pilates was chronic back pain and feeling inflexible. I was on daily pain medication and was recommended Pilates by a physiotherapist as a way of strengthening my core and improving the support for my back. I wanted to get back to doing the things I love, like gardening and cycling.

Initially what drew me to Welcome Pilates classes was the proximity to my home, and the free taster class! Once I'd met Lucy and taken part in a class I knew I'd be well looked after and supported. I'd tried previous classes at the leisure centre and found their classes too intimidating!

Please describe your experience with our classes in your own words
From the start, I felt welcomed and supported. The other people in the classes were friendly and I felt comfortable immediately.

Lucy explains what to do really clearly and talks you through it. If you're not quite in the right position Lucy gently corrects it. If I'm having an off-day, I'm encouraged not to push myself too far, but there are always suggestions for doing a bit more work if I want to. The transition from in-person to online classes was pretty smooth, and super convenient! Lucy still manages to keep a close eye on your positioning even though the screen!

Lucy is very supportive and is interested in what goes on in our lives outside of class too. It's nice to have a quick chat before class starts and check in with everyone, even the assorted cats and dogs that grace our screens get a look-in too! Lucy is a friend, not just a Pilates instructor.

How do you feel now? How has Pilates impacted your life?
Well my back pain has reduced to the point that I no longer take pain medication, and I can touch my toes again after decades! Throughout Lockdown, Pilates was a real highlight of the week and the chance for a bit of extra exercise and social interaction, even if it was through a screen!

I can spend more time gardening and cycle to and from work now so it has definitely made an impact for the better. I sometimes struggle to fit Pilates in now I'm back at work, but when I turn up, there's always a warm welcome. I wouldn't want to be without Pilates now!

Meet Jan

I find the classes vary so keep things interesting. It is always on time and because it is live the positions can be corrected if not quite right. I always feel better after a class and enjoy them. (So does my cat).
— Jan

What brought you to Pilates and what was your key motivator? Was there something about our Pilates classes that drew you in?
My key motivator to begin with was to keep flexible when all studio classes stopped because of Covid. I suffer with a bad back and Pilates generally keeps it from becoming too painful. I have continued with the classes because they suit my lifestyle. I generally do the Friday class but if I have work or something else arranged I can change classes easily. I like the ease of booking, the On Demand Studio, the short chat at beginning of class. It is all very positive. There are lots of classes to choose from. The On Demand Studio has some nice short ones you can fit in any time. Any emails are answered quickly.

Please describe your experience with our classes in your own words
I find the classes vary so keep things interesting. It is always on time and because it is live the positions can be corrected if not quite right. I always feel better after a class and enjoy them. (So does my cat).

How do you feel now? How has Pilates impacted your life?
I feel great actually. My back has been ok which is really good as that can impact my life. Just very happy with it all!

Jan with her granddaughter

Lucy is an artist and printmaker, you can see and buy her work online here

Meet Lucy

As a not particularly sporty person I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to keep up with a class ... But I very soon realised that it’s a practice that works for all levels; that it’s not so much about ability as a matter of finding your own level and seeing how it can help your own particular needs.
— Lucy

What brought you to Pilates and what was your key motivator? Was there something about our Pilates classes that drew you in?
I have always suffered from back, neck and shoulder issues so several years ago a friend suggested I tried Pilates. I was uncertain about it as I'd always imagined it to involve challenging core exercises, and as a not particularly sporty person I was worried that I wouldn't be able to keep up with a class. But I took a few one-to-one lessons in the first instance and very soon realised that it's a practice that works for all levels; that it's not so much about ability as a matter of finding your own level and seeing how it can help your own particular needs. Once I joined the group classes I was again reassured that this was something that worked for me, and that benefited me both physically and mentally.

Please describe your experience with our classes in your own words
The classes manage to provide a combination of physical exercise and mental relaxation, within a friendly and supportive environment. Lucy and her fellow teachers are all extremely encouraging, are clear in their instructions, and are mindful of the general level of the group while also responding to individual needs, offering either more support or more challenge as required. It's also a fun class, made up of lovely people (even if we only meet virtually!), and it always leaves me feeling better at the end of it than I did at the start!

How do you feel now? How has Pilates impacted your life?
Pilates has definitely helped with my back, neck and shoulder issues, and having learnt exercises from the classes means that I also do some daily stretches myself which also helps. As an artist and printmaker, it's important for me to be aware of posture and core strength while I'm working in the studio and both have certainly been improved by Pilates. The classes have become a very important part of my weekly routine, making me take time to stop and focus on my body and my breathing, which supports me emotionally as well.

Meet Florine

The classes are challenging which is great to feel like I’m evolving, I am able to do things I never thought I could do. After the class, I feel so great, relieved and happier!
— Florine

What brought you to Pilates and what was your key motivator? Was there something about our Pilates classes that drew you in?
Before I started Pilates, I had heard a lot about the benefits. I was looking for a low impact sport to help relieve my back pain and to develop muscle strength and balance in my body. I chose Welcome Pilates for the flexibility in the number of classes and timetable.

Please describe your experience with our classes in your own words
I enjoy Pilates with Lucy, my teacher. She explains very clearly and shows us the exercises; she always make sure we have the right position for each one. The good thing is that there are not too many attending each class which allows the teacher to always correct our posture and notice everything. Lucy also challenges us which is great to evolve, I am able to do things I never thought I could do. And after the class, I feel so great, relieved and happier!

How do you feel now? How has Pilates impacted your life?
After three years of Pilates classes every week, I don't see myself without it in my life. It's helping me so much with my back, my shoulders and my posture, especially with the working from home environment. I also feel my body is stronger with a better balance and mobility and I really enjoy Pilates!

Florine “relieved and happy” after a class

Alberto loves being outside in nature, spending his weekends hiking and exploring

Meet Alberto

I find the classes relaxing and they help me to focus on my body which is something that I don’t do much during my normal life.
— Alberto

What brought you to Pilates and what was your key motivator? Was there something about our Pilates classes that drew you in?
I broke my Achilles tendon playing football and I wanted to do some sports as I still could not play football, my girlfriend Marta convinced me to try Pilates. In the beginning, I didn't enjoy it as much as it was something different for me. I am a more active person and I didn't find it active enough. But after a couple of classes I started to understand it and find it challenging.

Please describe your experience with our classes in your own words
I find the classes relaxing and they help me to focus on my body which is something that I don't do much during my normal life.

How do you feel now? How has Pilates impacted your life?
I feel stronger and I really like that we exercise lots of muscles of the body. It also helps with my ankle, I feel it helps to keep strength on my legs and core, and this is good when I practice other sports.

Meet Linda

Getting older definitely doesn’t mean getting more aches and pains or having  stiffer joints. Keeping mobile and flexible means I can spend a weekend with my grandchildren and not suffer back pain from picking them up or bending down.
— Linda

What brought you to Pilates and what was your key motivator? Was there something about our Pilates classes that drew you in?
As I moved into my 60’s I wanted an exercise regime that would help to strengthen my core muscles and maintain my flexibility. I have always kept fit mainly with running and yoga classes but had tried a Pilates class at work and found I preferred the measured and controlled movements of Pilates. After attending a Pilates class at the centre I was hooked. The exercises and stretches soon improved my body awareness and alignment in how I was walking and sitting. I have been attending Pilates classes for the past four years now and can’t imagine not attending a class once a week.

Please describe your experience with our classes in your own words
Initially the classes had been in person but obviously during the pandemic they moved online which I was a little worried about. However, the classes are kept small and Lucy maintains a good watch on everyone. I think she’s even more observant of you!

I really enjoy Lucy’s method of teaching and her routine of classic Pilates moves and exercises that vary each class but with a plan of improvement over the course of several weeks. I’ve now moved to the Intermediate and Improver classes and despite some exercises being challenging Lucy always gives encouragement or an alternative exercise to do. The timetable of classes is extensive which means I can always find a day or time that suits me over the week and will fit with other activities. I also love the fact you can access the classes in the On Demand Studio and if pushed for time, find a short series of exercises to do any day of the week.

How do you feel now? How has Pilates impacted your life?
Pilates has improved my core strength immeasurably and I definitely noticed the improvement it gave to my posture and flexibility. Getting older definitely doesn’t mean getting more aches and pains or having  stiffer joints. Keeping mobile and flexible means I can spend a weekend with my grandchildren and not suffer back pain from picking them up or  bending down. Doing regular Pilates certainly  enables you to be more active, improves your overall health both mentally and physically and keeps you mobile and flexible. I’m certainly a life long convert.

Linda when she’s not running or doing Pilates!

Wal thinking about her next Pilates class

Meet Walkiria

I always feel 100% accepted in just the way me and my body are feeling each day. If I am tired or achy I am always reassured that it is ok to be that way and advised to be gentle with my body.
— Walkiria

What brought you to Pilates and what was your key motivator? Was there something about our Pilates classes that drew you in?
I chose to start Pilates because I needed to straighten my body and I prefer a more calm ways of exercising, I had joined more energetic types of classes before but always ended up quitting as I wouldn’t have enough energy to either leave the house or to finish the classes. (I am a working mum with 3 kids).

Please describe your experience with our classes in your own words
Doing Pilates with Lucy is amazing. I always feel 100% accepted in just the way me and my body are feeling each day. If I am tired or achy I am always reassured that it is ok to be that way and advised to be gentle with my body. As a result I always relax while exercising and always feel better and more energetic after a lesson.

How do you feel now? How has Pilates impacted your life?
It’s been over two years now, my body feels stronger and I feel proud. Thank you Lucy!!

Meet Andy

The classes are great. I’ve found one that is the right level for me - and I look forward to it for maybe two or three days before! The feeling of wellbeing after you stop groaning is incredible! And seriously, these Pilates classes have done wonders for my posture.
— Andy

What brought you to Pilates and what was your key motivator? Was there something about our Pilates classes that drew you in?
I've always enjoyed Pilates and used to enjoy going to a weekly class a few years ago. When I started working from home in lockdown, I became far too sedentary and started looking for an online class. I knew I wanted a Body Control Pilates class. I love the precision of movement Body Control demands - the feeling of muscles being worked intensely when you place your body just right and hold it there - and when I Googled Body Control Pilates Lucy's website was pretty much first in the queue.

Please describe your experience with our classes in your own words
I was drawn straight away by the attractiveness of the website, and I liked the idea of unlimited access to this vast archive of recorded classes to top up the live online classes. I knew I needed the interactiveness of a live class to get me back into the way of doing the exercises right (and Lucy corrects you so nicely!), and the discipline of turning up at a certain time each week. But being able to top this up whenever suited me was a great bonus.

How do you feel now? How has Pilates impacted your life?
The classes are great. I've found one that is the right level for me - and I look forward to it for maybe two or three days before! But there is always a bit of dread as well as excitement if I haven't done any other exercise in the week; it does find you out. But the feeling of wellbeing after you stop groaning is incredible! And seriously, these Pilates classes have done wonders for my posture. I can't recommend Lucy highly enough as a teacher - she has an incredible eye for detail, when each of us is only a small panel on her laptop.

I live in Scotland, so there's never any chance I'll be able to go to a live class. So I hope that when/if restrictions ease completely Lucy will keep offering online classes. My posture and I will be eternally grateful!

Andy demonstrating an excellent Side Bend

Jacky loves getting out and into nature

Meet Jacky

Pilates was revolutionary for me - not just for my dance practice - but for my life generally. It is a very rigorous and detailed training, yet accessible and simple - anyone can participate; I am also finding it hugely beneficial as I grow ‘older’ - it feels safe, supportive and pleasurable.
— Jacky

What brought you to Pilates and what was your key motivator? Was there something about our Pilates classes that drew you in?
I was first introduced to Pilates about 25 years ago when I had a serious lower back injury. I am a choreographer and dancer and It became clear that despite my extensive dance training I was lacking core strength, which made my back vulnerable. Pilates was revolutionary for me - not just for my dance practice - but for my life generally. It is a very rigorous and detailed training, yet accessible and simple - anyone can participate; I am also finding it hugely beneficial as I grow ‘older’ - it feels safe, supportive and pleasurable.

From that first introduction, I was able to absorb some of the Pilates exercises into my own daily practice - so in a sense I have never stopped, although I did have a considerable gap in attending classes. Around four years ago Lucy approached the Dance Research Studio, where I am based, to set up her Pilates school. At that stage I was delighted to be supporting such excellent and popular Pilates classes taught by Lucy. Then the pandemic hit us and all our classes had to be delivered online, including Lucy’s classes.

Please describe your experience with our classes in your own words
I have been so impressed with the way that Lucy has adapted her classes to online practice - and, really feeling the need to attend classes again myself, I have been working with her online for nearly a year, both in group classes and one to one. The experience has been so supportive and Lucy is a wonderful teacher, able to provide profound personal detail and adaptations when needed.

How do you feel now? How has Pilates impacted your life?
Pilates has had a huge impact on my life - it’s core principles, to integrate mind and body, can be with you all the time - whether walking, dancing, shopping, driving, cleaning, caring, writing or other work… Our lives are complex, particularly during these challenging times, and Pilates, I believe, is one of the body disciplines that can make a positive difference to our physical and emotional health.

Meet Paola

I often have too many things going on in my head and really appreciate Lucy’s capacity to gently bring us onto the mat and our bodies. The classes are truly welcoming, so I always felt that even on those days I am more distracted, there is room in there for me.
— Paola

What brought you to Pilates and what was your key motivator? Was there something about our Pilates classes that drew you in?
In my teens, we travelled to Machu Picchu, and my dad came back home with an injured knee. During treatment, he was advised to try Pilates. Seeing how good it did him, my family developed a loyalty to this exercise. Both my father and my mother continue to do Pilates until this day. In my case, the desk-time that comes with a student lifestyle means incorporating exercise into my routine was always on my to-do list. However, I failed to persevere for more than a few months in all previous attempts - from short seasons at the local sports centre in my hometown to half-used annual memberships at the university gym. On my 30th birthday, I promised myself to start exercising regularly. And while I delayed that promise for more than one year, I never stopped since I began the classes with Lucy in June 2019.

Please describe your experience with our classes in your own words
The best thing about the classes is that we always have both space to improve known movements and try something new. One of the things that drew me to Pilates is the possibility to pay attention to one's body and what we can do with it. I enjoy noticing changes in my ability to do a movement over time - a sense of process and passing of time that come only with repetition and deep awareness.

I also often have too many things going on in my head and really appreciate Lucy's capacity to gently bring us onto the mat and our bodies. The classes are truly welcoming, so I always felt that even on those days I am more distracted, there is room in there for me.

How do you feel now? How has Pilates impacted your life?
I am pleased with my process and aware that doing Pilates every week helps keep my back painless and improves my posture and blood circulation. It also makes me proud to have been able to preserve my commitment to exercising regularly. Living within times, routines and systems that so often involve neglecting oneself, mother earth and others, I have found value in Welcome Pilates as great companions in care.

Going forward, I intend to dedicate more time to Pilates in my week, and I am very grateful for the possibility of doing so through the On Demand Studio. This year's Winter Break Challenge seems like the perfect occasion to move me from words to deeds!

Paola at Down House in Kent with the autumn leaves

Beki is a keen runner and completed the Manchester Marathon in under four hours in 2021

Meet Beki

I started Pilates in 2019 following a back injury. I was a keen runner and the injury was causing me a lot of pain when running... Pilates has helped me enormously. I am able to run long distances without being in pain: in fact I completed the Manchester Marathon in under 4 hours which I would not have been able to without Pilates.
— Beki

What brought you to Pilates and what was your key motivator? Was there something about our Pilates classes that drew you in?
I started Pilates in 2019 following a back injury. I was a keen runner and the injury was causing me a lot of pain when running. I was having physio and the physiotherapist suggested I take some Pilates classes to strengthen my back muscles and return to a position where I could run again. I initially took classes up North where I was living and had been seeing benefits. I then moved to London and my Pilates instructor suggested I try Welcome Pilates (then Pilates with Lucy) saying they would only recommend instructors that they would trust to deliver a comprehensive service with the right skills to support all abilities and needs.

Please describe your experience with our classes in your own words
I attended one Welcome Pilates class in person before the pandemic and then began the online classes. I found the in person class very good and was nervous about how virtual ones would compare. However, the online classes are excellent. I have attended classes with all the instructors and enjoyed all of them even with the different styles that they use. Lucy and the team offer comprehensive advice making even class enjoyable even through a computer screen. This also suits my work life balance as I can come home and relax before turning on my computer in time for a session.

How do you feel now? How has Pilates impacted your life?
Pilates has helped me enormously. I am able to run long distances without being in pain: in fact I completed the Manchester Marathon in under 4 hours which I would not have been able to without Pilates. I also notice tension in my neck and shoulders more and am able to release it using techniques I learnt in class and on the online platforms. This has helped my physical as well as my mental health.

Meet Steph

I’ve found the online classes have worked really well and have been a positive anchor over the past couple of years. I like the challenge but importantly it’s not competitive - I can only do what I can do.
— Steph

What brought you to Pilates and what was your key motivator? Was there something about our Pilates classes that drew you in?
I've been doing Pilates for quite some time. I started for a few reasons - improve my posture (I'm quite tall and have an office job which can promote vulture or question mark-like posture), wanting to be stronger and a little more flexible. While I'm frustrated at the limited range of my shoulders, I also recognise that I'm only aware of this from doing Pilates which is helping me manage this.

Please describe your experience with our classes in your own words
I love Lucy's classes. I've found the online classes have worked really well and have been a positive anchor over the past couple of years. I like the challenge but importantly it's not competitive - I can only do what I can do. I also like that no equipment is needed. I've recently started using the On Demand classes which are working well. There's lots of options and Lucy without fail makes the classes fun..."keep smiling, keep breathing!!".

How do you feel now? How has Pilates impacted your life?
I like that Pilates helps me be stronger and more flexible and be aware of what I'm capable of - there are some things I can do well and some I think I will always find difficult. I only know this from doing Pilates. I find the classes energising too.

Steph loves animals and recently started volunteering at London Zoo. Among lots of leaf raking she gets to help out with the penguins!

Jane “waxes lyrical to anyone who will listen” about Pilates

Meet Jane (Lucy’s Mum!)

I wax lyrical about Pilates to anyone who will listen!
— Jane

What brought you to Pilates and what was your key motivator? Was there something about our Pilates classes that drew you in?
I took up Pilates around 20 years ago via a health club I belonged to but did not find the teacher or the class inspiring or motivating. There were always too many people crammed into a small studio too! I decided to try again with Lucy a couple of years ago.

Please describe your experience with our classes in your own words
I do mostly 1:1s and find them to be fun, challenging, motivating and inspirational.

How do you feel now? How has Pilates impacted your life?
Much better physically and mentally. I always look forward to my Wednesday class and would like to be able to do more. I wax lyrical about Pilates to anyone who will listen!

Meet Katherine

I always leave feeling pleased that I took the time to come along to the class and now I am not hiding away at the back!
— Katherine

What brought you to Pilates and what was your key motivator? Was there something about our Pilates classes that drew you in?
I had been thinking about starting Pilates for over a year before joining Welcome Pilates. I had read about the benefits and felt that it was something that I could gain a lot from, particularly as I spend a lot of time sitting at a desk hunched over a laptop! As I approach 30 (!!) I really wanted to start being intentional about improving my posture, strength and balance, so Pilates felt like a perfect fit. After putting 'start Pilates' as one of my goals for 2022, I was delighted to find out about Welcome Pilates. The fact that the classes are in a local location at convenient times, really works for me!

Please describe your experience with our classes in your own words
Honestly, I was a bit nervous to begin with. I had a preconceived idea that I needed to be super flexible and able to balance in extraordinary positions from the offset and so I was always right at the back of the class, hiding away! However, I couldn't have been more wrong! Lucy has created a really welcoming culture in her classes and I always feel at ease. She has a very clear and calm way of describing each move, always offering alternatives so that we can do what feels right for our body. There have been many times when I have felt impressed by what my body has been able to do and this feels really encouraging. Additionally, I also really love what the classes do for my mind. I find that I spend the hour simply focusing on the movements which means that I am able to take my mind away from the usual hustle and bustle of everyday life. I always leave feeling pleased that I took the time to come along to the class and now I am not hiding away at the back!

How do you feel now? How has Pilates impacted your life?
Since I started Pilates with Lucy at the top of the year, I find that I am much more aware of my posture. This is something that I definitely need to continue focusing on but I am pleased that I am starting to be more intentional and thoughtful about the way I move my body. I love that with my membership, I am able to join online classes some weeks and so when I was in Devon over the summer I was able to still dedicate some time to Pilates. It really has become a part of my weekly routine!

Katherine loves to travel, pictured here in sunny Portugal, but has been able to keep Pilates part of her routine by attending the online classes when she’s away from home

Simon, pictured in the middle, has found the classes have helped with his hip pain. Meaning he’s back to doing what he loves: having fun and socialising!

Meet Simon

Pilates promotes correct movement patterns, addressing imbalances and gives hope.
— Simon

What brought you to Pilates and what was your key motivator? Was there something about our Pilates classes that drew you in?
I was having pain in my left hip, and had done Pilates previously, experiencing the benefits, so I looked into a local class in Twickenham. What drew me to Welcome Pilates was the location, class times that matched my availability, and general feel of friendliness.

Please describe your experience with our classes in your own words
I enjoy the classes, am challenged and feel progress which is very rewarding and important to me. We have a laugh, the teaching is excellent and supportive plus I've learned a lot both in terms of movement and exceeding my perceived limitations.

How do you feel now? How has Pilates impacted your life?
For me, there's no better feeling than when your body functions correctly, Pilates helps me with that feeling. I've had a lot of sports injuries and operations (some caused by training with incorrect form), causing my body to develop imbalances leading to pain. Pilates promotes correct movement patterns, addressing imbalances and gives hope. My hip pain has largely gone thanks to continued exercises advised by Lucy - thanks!

Meet Ian

My flexibility has improved and I always feel invigorated after the class.
— Ian

What brought you to Pilates and what was your key motivator? Was there something about our Pilates classes that drew you in?
I know as we age, how important it is to keep your body flexible and to do what you can to keep muscle mass. Pilates is the perfect solution for me for that. I've tried yoga but it didn't suit me as well as Pilates does.  

Please describe your experience with our classes in your own words
Well I thought I'd just try it and see, expecting not to enjoy the classes or to continue actually. But Lucy runs her classes in such a fun, engaging, humorous way that I enjoy my sessions. Lucy always gives options for each move which is nice. 

How do you feel now? How has Pilates impacted your life?
I think my fitness is staying up there.  My flexibility has improved and I always feel invigorated after the class which I always do on Zoom and it works really well.  No where to hide when Lucy is watching!!

Ian didn’t expect to enjoy or even continue the classes but has been attending weekly for over a year and counting!

Tricia has done Pilates since she played rugby for England, she now continues to practice it to support her body and life: running her own business and running around after four grandchildren!

Meet Tricia

I know I’m being challenged and stretched and that’s a great feeling.
— Tricia

What brought you to Pilates and what was your key motivator? Was there something about our Pilates classes that drew you in?
Pilates is something that I have done on and off for decades but, as I get older, I get more committed.  I believe that keeping my core strong and my body flexible will help me age well.  I run my own education consultancy business and I now have 4 young grandchildren. I’m determined to stay active so I can do well in all aspects of my life.

When I was a young woman I played rugby for England so my body has taken a battering over the years and I know Pilates helps me with mobility despite all those sports injuries.

As the world opened up after Covid, I wanted a face to face class near where I lived and Holy Trinity Church is a 5 minute cycle. I really enjoyed my taster class with Lucy and knew I had found what I was looking for.  The online options are a bonus but, for me, nothing beats a class in real life.

Please describe your experience with our classes in your own words
I’ve recently started the new Monday night intermediate class, which feels like a definite step up from the ‘all levels’ classes I’ve been doing for a year.  I come away feeling like I’ve worked really hard.  I have to concentrate and push myself to achieve a new level.  I know I’m being challenged and stretched and that's a great feeling. 

How do you feel now? How has Pilates impacted your life?
I feel strong and balanced when I do Pilates regularly. There is a spring in  my step and a sense of calm and wellbeing.

Meet Sid

The 55-minute classes literally fly by. Every session is varied and you know you’ve worked but there are always smiles throughout.
— Sid

What brought you to Pilates and what was your key motivator? Was there something about our Pilates classes that drew you in?
As someone with increasing chronic back pain for many years, I had been practising Pilates on and off for 10-15 years but lapsed more recently due to time, schedules, classes and changes with life in general. The Covid pandemic introduced me to various online exercise (I actually got fit!) and when they ended, I was keen to find a way to continue. A chance meeting and mention by a local friend brought me to a trial of Lucy’s classes which offered the right magic combination of timetable, convenient location and instructors with a style that felt right for me and I think would be great for anybody.

Please describe your experience with our classes in your own words
I’ve found Lucy’s classes to have a great mix of a friendly approach and gender mix. She offers encouragement, challenge and progression, whatever age or level you’re at. She puts everyone at ease and creates a genuinely welcoming environment in a community setting – no self-consciousness required! The online booking system is straightforward and it’s great to have the flexibility to switch day/time, sometimes at short notice, and make-up missed classes really easily. Class numbers are of a size where you know she will help you make whatever adjustments you need to get the best from the session and work safely within your own capabilities on the day. The 55-minute classes literally fly by. Every session is varied and you know you’ve worked but there are always smiles throughout. The on-demand videos are also a great bonus and are some of the best I’ve ever come across, for those times I can’t physically attend and/or know I need to do more and I can make the extra effort. My experience of some of the other instructors at Welcome Pilates has been excellent too.

How do you feel now? How has Pilates impacted your life?
Pilates definitely makes me feel stronger and helps me maintain movement, flexibility and, as a result, my pain management. It’s very much part of my life and really important for my general wellbeing, especially while my work is mainly seated at a desk and screen. The inclusive and supportive nature of Lucy’s classes also leaves me with increased positivity and confidence each time I go. I’m really glad to have discovered her classes and will be continuing with them for as long as I’m able to.

Sid discovered our classes by chance when her friend recommended them to her. Over six months later, Pilates is now part of her life and she says it’s important for her general wellbeing.

Kendall was recommended to try Pilates after being diagnosed with Fibromyalgia at aged 28. Her health fluctuates considerably week to week but she is able to manage her pain, even with just one hour class per week.

Meet Kendall

I am amazed at how good I feel in myself and could also see a difference that I didn’t expect with just one hour a week.
— Kendall

What brought you to Pilates and what was your key motivator? Was there something about our Pilates classes that drew you in?
As someone who has grown up with ME and Fibromyalgia I have had mostly negative experiences of exercise. Due to these conditions both myself and others have not always recognised appropriate levels of movement based on the in-obvious nature that these conditions can sometimes exhibit. 

After being diagnosed with Fibromyalgia last year, at the age of 28, I was recommended by my Rheumatologist to try Pilates. I wanted something that could help me manage my conditions, and would provide the possibility for me as a young woman to access sustainable weekly exercise.

The free taster session was an incredibly non pressured way of helping me to take my first step, as I have a pretty complex criteria, and had no idea where to set my expectations  as I had zero experience of Pilates. I could also see from the website that they had a holistic approach, thinking about overall health, recovery and wellbeing. Seeing different ages and demographics on the website also signalled to me that there wasn’t some sort of unspoken criteria to join. 

The membership options in terms of price and flexibility were better than any others I had seen while researching and so I hoped this would be there right place for me so I could realistically afford this long term.

Please describe your experience with our classes in your own words
Lucy and her whole team provide a safe and friendly environment to focus and attune to your body, while strengthening it. My health fluctuates considerably week to week, and I have felt empowered to go at my own individual pace while knowing I am able to seek guidance when needed. I find myself learning more about my body, its limitations and possibilities, and get the sense everyone in the class is enjoying it so much, we aren’t looking at anybody else! I would describe the teaching style as intuitive and full of positive reinforcement.

The online system means that I have full and easy access to manage my classes, and if I am pre-empting feeling unwell the next day, I can easily change my class time to one I feel I can attend. My experience has been that Lucy will help to make sure you can access the classes you are paying for and will provide another option when possible. And when I have flagged a certain symptom I have been pointed in the right direction for which online class may be helpful throughout the week.

How do you feel now? How has Pilates impacted your life?
When I do have an inevitable pain flare-up, or am experiencing increased fatigue, my body feels stronger and my system more regulated. Increasing my core strength means I can navigate movement while in pain more safely. I have more of a sense of both how to move safely when in pain, as well as being stronger in other areas to use the rest of my body to carry me without causing injury. 

I am amazed at how good I feel in myself and could also see a difference that I didn’t expect with just one hour a week. This was a secondary motivation but still a really important one, and had made me feel hopeful that I can continue accessing regular and effective exercise that is not going to make me more unwell. I also just love the weekly routine and ritual of these classes.

For me, finding a healthy management strategy is absolute gold, and I do feel very grateful that I have found myself somewhere that I want to keep on coming back to week after week. 

Meet Fran

I so look forward to going and without exception feel better (mind and body) after every class.
— Fran

What brought you to Pilates and what was your key motivator? Was there something about our Pilates classes that drew you in?
I felt like I was out of shape and doing workouts at home and not seeing any difference. I have done Yoga before but thought I would look for a Pilates class to see what that was about.

Please describe your experience with our classes in your own words
I have attended Lucy’s local classes for just over a year now and it has been fantastic. Lucy and other teachers are so knowledgeable, and you feel the benefit straight away (even if just more chilled out post class).  The atmosphere in class is relaxed, friendly with great instructions. I so look forward to going and without exception feel better (mind and body) after every class. I would highly recommend to anyone to give this a go ☺️

How do you feel now? How has Pilates impacted your life?
I think my core strength has improved and I’m definitely more flexible. I am very grateful to Lucy and her team – a truly positive experience with fabulous benefits.

Fran hiking in the Lake District with her lovely dog, Alfie

Siobhan has found Pilates to really improve her balance, flexibility and confidence in everyday activities!

Meet Siobhan

Before starting Pilates, I was beginning to find stepping up some steep steps at my workplace rather tiring, holding on to the banister. But after over a year of Pilates, I now step down without noticing, hands free!
— Siobhan

What brought you to Pilates and what was your key motivator? Was there something about our Pilates classes that drew you in?
My key motivator for starting Pilates was that I felt as though I could benefit from the weekly discipline of a group class, and Pilates stretches and movements. I liked the fact that the classes take place a short walk from my home and the evening classes work well for me.

Please describe your experience with our classes in your own words
I find the class teachers (Lucy and Sarah) very helpful and encouraging. Sometimes I find the balance and movement a bit challenging, but I know that this is good for me! 

How do you feel now? How has Pilates impacted your life?
I can honestly say that since coming to regular weekly Pilates classes I now feel much more flexible in my everyday activities. Before starting Pilates, I was beginning to find stepping up some steep steps at my workplace rather tiring, holding on to the banister. But after over a year of Pilates, I now step down without noticing, hands free! I am delighted with this progress and would like to say thank you to Lucy and to Sarah. I look forward to continuing Pilates in 2024!