A whole year of Zoom…

Zooming all day everyday!

Zooming all day everyday!

A whole year of zoooom...

Today marks one year exactly since my first online class 🤯

I remember so clearly when the first of the studios I rented for classes called to say they were closing and I completely panicked. Luckily one of my teachers at the time, Melanie, was on hand and quickly and calmly guided me through Zoom. At this point I’d never even heard of Zoom and I’d definitely never considered teaching online. It was nerve wracking and filled me with dread but it was the only option so I did what most of us did: stumbled into it blind and hoped for the best... and it has been a ride🎢

Despite the trials and tribulations, many tears and a lot of Zoom fatigue there has been some real highs:

  • teaching friends and family who live far and wide and had never come to a class before

  • meeting everyone’s pets and furry friends

  • two charity classes raising over £1500 for four separate charities

  • an extra special Christmas Day class

  • seeing my parents every week for 1:1s

  • connecting with my original clients every week who all took to Zoom so well and embraced the change (thank you)

  • spreading the joy and sharing Pilates with new clients around the UK and even a few abroad (I hope we can meet irl one day!)

  • introducing an On Demand Studio and meditation for all members

Our extra special Christmas Day class!

Our extra special Christmas Day class!

A HUGE thanks to my amazing team: Ulrika, Louise and Paola for being so brilliant this past year, I couldn’t have done it without you.

Also a special thanks to TeamUp for being the best booking system in the world. There is NO way I could’ve sent our zoom links manually for a whole year!

Saturday morning Pilates Party

Saturday morning Pilates Party


Upcoming Retreat


Why Pilates isn’t just for women