Our Team

Lucy Tomlinson

Creator of Welcome Pilates & Pilates teacher

Qualifications: Level 3 Body Control® Pilates Mat, Level 3 Pre and Postnatal Pilates, Reformer Advanced

I discovered Pilates at University when I was going through a period of particularly poor mental health, it gave me a place to escape whilst studying for my degree. Pilates taught me to be gentle on myself, the exercises were never punishing, rather my teacher encouraged us to listen to our bodies and choose the options that felt good for us in that moment, on that particular day.

I created Welcome Pilates to help people connect back to themselves, to feel more confident in their bodies and more energised in their minds. Pilates helps people to gain strength, improve flexibility, mobility and stability, have more body awareness and prevent injury. 

Pilates is gentle on your mind and body, you can take it at your own pace, move slowly but feel and breathe deeply. It makes you feel strong and capable and reminds you of just how resilient you truly are.

What can people expect from your classes?

My classes are focussed on the Pilates principles of alignment, breathing and centering (recruiting your core muscles), as well as encouraging people to listen to their bodies and work with how they feel on the day. I strongly believe that everyone can benefit in some way from Pilates and always encourage my clients to believe in themselves in order to reach their full potential. In my classes you can expect a mix of challenge and relaxation so that you leave walking taller, feeling stronger and more alive.

Can you tell us a little more about you or what you like to do in your spare time?

I am constantly inspired by nature: the changing seasons, the evolving colours of a sunrise and the great expanse of the sea. I love to travel and explore new places and am happiest when submerged in water, can feel the sun on my face or am stroking a purring cat.

“I’ve been practising Pilates for over 10 years and teaching for six of those and I am still learning every single day. It’s humbling for me, you can’t ‘complete’ Pilates, it’s a constant growing experience which has taught me so much more than just a list of exercises.” - Lucy

Sarah Hunter

Pilates Teacher

Qualifications: Level 3 Body Control® Pilates Mat

Sarah is an ex-professional dancer with a dance career spanning over 10 years. Towards the end of her dancing career, she began to see how important it is to look after our bodies, and this is when she fell in love with the benefits of Pilates.

What can people expect from your classes?

I know the importance of creating a mobile yet strong body, whilst trying to achieve the same with the mind. My classes will work your whole body and you will leave feeling stronger, taller and perhaps, most importantly, calmer!

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Louise Jinks

Pilates Teacher

Qualifications: Level 3 Body Control® Pilates Mat

I discovered Pilates some years ago after injuring my back. Feeling concerned at the lack of information on preventing further back injury I sought the advice of a local chiropractor. She recommended that I start Pilates. It is safe to say that I haven't looked back since! I joined a healthy backs class and once I had found my confidence and strength I moved on to the intermediate classes. I enjoyed classes so much that I began training to be a Pilates teacher. I trained with Body Control Pilates and I am currently qualified in Mat work Level 3. I shall be continuing to grow as a Pilates teacher by carrying out further training to build on my current expertise.   

What can people expect from your classes?

Having a background as a primary school teacher has given me an awareness and understanding of how very different people can be and that a lesson needs to be adapted to accommodate everyone. This inclusive approach has translated well into teaching Pilates classes as exercises can be adapted to make them accessible to all. Everyone will get to have fun strengthen and mobilise their own bodies at a pace and level of challenge which suits them best.

Can you tell us a little more about you or what you like to do in your spare time?

In my spare time you may see me out and about either strolling through one of many parks or green spaces in London, in a bookshop trying to be disciplined enough to not buy nearly every book I see, or socialising with friends.

Sofia Toscano

Pilates Teacher

Qualifications: Level 3 Body Control® Pilates Mat

Sofia’s love for Pilates began after starting practicing to manage her back pain. The way it made her feel and move soon after she joined her first few classes was almost instant. Pilates became an integral part of Sofia’s life and she found herself raving about it to anyone that would listen. Finally the penny dropped and she decided to formally train with Body Control Pilates® qualifying in 2020 as a matwork Pilates teacher and is continuing her professional development by attending courses, classes and workshops.

What can people expect from your classes?

Sofia’s classes will focus on increasing body awareness, strength, core stability and flexibility through mindful movement. She aims to create a safe, inclusive and non-competitive/non-judgmental environment where people can express their own unique movement and hopes that the experiences and learning that her clients have on the mat will be carried away and be used on their day to day and perhaps even become an integral part of their own lives.